Vila Marina Divcibare | Location Divcibare

Location Divcibare

Find the best route to Divcibare

Location of Villa “Marina” Divcibare

It is easy to reach Villa “Marina”. Once you arrive in Divcibare from Valjevo and Mionica, go straight toward the centre. On your right side you may see sport grounds and hotel “Divcibare”. After you pass centre and the church of St. Panteleimon, turn into the first street on your left and then once again into the first street on the left side. But, if you come from Uzice or Valjevo (through Bukovo), after the hotel “Pepa” you should turn into the first street on your right and then into the first street on the left side.

New! New! New! At Villa “Marina” you may use vouchers of Ministry of Tourism in the amount of 5.000 RSD for your holiday in Serbia. Find more on homepage.

Find the best route to Divcibare

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From the centre of Belgrade (115 km / 3h drive /

Recommended directions Coordinates (gps) Traveled (km)
Ibarska highway (road E763/761) 44.748031, 20.411943 11 km
Turn right toward Lajkovac (drive straight through the city)                44.365605, 20.197497 63 km
Divci – turn left over the railway 44.301627, 20.033251 80 km
Mionica – turn right and follow the main road E205 44.251769, 20.081004 88 km
Divcibare 44.103299, 19.994329 117 km

From the centre of Novi Sad (170 km / 4h drive /

Recommended directions Coordinates (gps) Traveled (km)
Fruska Gora – (road E21), pass near Ruma 44.999955, 19.840330 35 km
Sabac –turn left at the first traffic light;
exit to the right at the first roundabout
44.999955, 19.840330 69 km
Valjevo – turn left at the fourth traffic light and then into the first street on your right.
Cross the river Gradac and follow the road for Uzice via Bukovo (road E21)
or continue along Suvoborska Street toward the small village Rajkovic (road E259)
44.249629, 19.900402 141 km
After Bukovo go left toward Divcibare (road E205) or
after village Rajkovic turn right at the intersection near Brezdje (road E205)
44.116302, 19.925511 163 km
Divcibare 44.103299, 19.994329 172 km

From the centre of Uzice (60 km / 1,5h drive /

Recommended directions Coordinates (gps) Traveled (km)
From Uzice to Kosjeric (put E263) 43.859666, 19.861302 5 km
After you pass Kosjeric continue straight (put E21) 44.008108, 19.915505 31 km
After the village Razana and Mrcic turn right (put E205a)                                          44.116311, 19.924604 40 km
Divcibare 44.103299, 19.994329 60 km

From the centre of Nis (240 km / 6h drive* /

Recommended directions Coordinates (gps) Traveled (km)
Highway E75, exit the highway near Aleksinac toward Krusevac                                 43.551600, 21.688834 34 km
Trstenik 43.612550, 20.994598 106 km
Kraljevo 43.731795, 20.648214 140 km
Cacak 43.931756, 20.305433 180 km
Divčibare 44.103299, 19.994329 240 km
* If you are going from Nis to Belgrade using highway,
travel time will be shorter for an hour, but the route is 75km longer.

Bus departures from Valjevo to Divcibare

   Buses depart from bus station “Lasta” at 8:00 and 17:00. Departures from Divcibare to Valjevo are scheduled at 10:30 and 18:30. Timetable applies for the weekend as well. For further information, please call 014/221-482.

   Buses depart from bus station “Evropa-bus” at 11:00 and15:00. Departure from Divcibare to Valjevo is scheduled at 16:30. Timetable applies for the weekend as well. For further information, please call 014/220-623.

Bus departures from Beograd to Divcibare

   Bus timetable with all departures is available at the web site of the Belgrade bus station, section “timetable”. Note: before typing desired destination, it is necessary to set your keyboard to “Serbian Latin” font, because you will not get any result if you type “Divcibare”. You must type “Divčibare“to get desired results.

Useful phone numbers

  • Post 014/277-130
  • Pharmacy 014/277-252
  • Ambulance 014/277-212
  • Waterworks 014/277-118
  • EPS 014/277-480
  • Roads 014/277-308
  • Police 014/277-402

   Restoran "Drina" nalazi se u centru Divčibara, u ponudi ima tradicionalna srpska jela i gostima Vile Marina Divčibare odobrava 10% popusta na porodični doručak, ručak ili večeru.

Restoran Drina Divčibare

   Ski škola "Bambino" Divčibare odobrava popust od 10% popust na iznajmljivanje opreme za goste Vile Marina.

Ski škola Bambino Divčibare

   Ski škola "Boban" Divčibare odobrava popust od 10% za sve goste Vile Marine Divčibare na kurs skijanja i vožnje motornih sanki. Polaznici mogu biti svi od 3 do 83 godine.

Ski škola Boban Divčibare

   Trenutne vremenske uslove i vremensku prognozu možete pogledati na veb sajtu Accuweather.

Vreme na Divčibarama

   Posetite Novi Sad i budite gosti jedinstvenog Downtown hostela na glavnom gradskom trgu u Novom Sadu.

Hostel Novi Sad

   U zimskim danima gosti Vile Marine Divčibare imaju mogućnost da probaju Robbertson toplu čokoladu, crnu ili beli, kao jedinstven način da se okrepe posle skijanja ili šetnje.

Topla čokolada